My Place storybook: a great resource to teach about the importance of place to people.
This posting is just a random selection of resources that you may be interested in to explore as you try to develop engaging and creative teaching activities.
Internet resources
* Australian history mysteries
* Australian War Memorial
* Classroom photographs over time - and many more photos
* Kidsgeo games The Oceana game
* Bound for South Australia
* This day in history and history orb
* Instagram as a teaching tool
* My Place in History
* Ollie’s World
* Geography Associations ‘Planet Sport
* My place in history
* Voice thread
* YouTube clips - ‘Guess that Gadget’ series
* Rouse Hill House – Historic Houses Trust NSW
* National Museum Australia
* Google Earth
* Migration Museum of SA
* Whyalla Maritime Museum
* Australian folksongs
* Language map
* How well do you know your world?
Non-Internet resources
* The Aboriginal flag.
* 'Letters from Felix': Annette Langdan.
* "Are we there yet? "by Alison Lester and a YouTube to accompany the reading of the children's picture book , 'Are we there yet?' by Alison Lester (2004). Powerpoint on this by resource is available if you click her
* My "Story book" collection
* If the World were a Village by David Smith
*** You may also be interested in the corresponding blog from the 2012 class - some more great resources.***
*** The "Fun is OK" posting has plenty more great resources listed (and linked to). ***
The power of story telling
In her excellent article on storybooks in geography called Reading the world, Anne Dolan says:
"While the value of picture story books in language and literacy is widely accepted, picture story books also provide a powerful medium in the teaching of geography. They demonstrate meaningful concepts and represent the world a child is coming to know."
In this posting I have listed and linked to a range of such books and resources that may provide teaching materials for primary school teachers wanting to 'do geography' a little differently with a literacy bent. Whilst on about using literature for teaching geography I must again refer to the excellent Global Words resource from the Primary English Teachers Association Australia (PETAA) - developed in collaboration with World Vision.
The 'Geography through Storybooks' resource
The following sites are useful to start searching for a picture story book/s to teach geography, whether about place, space, change, sustainability, interconnection, environment or scale.
* Our Geography Through Story resources: Storybook collection
* A bibliography of storybooks for geography
* Books for junior geography
* Popular geography children's book
* Children's books for the geography buff
* Geography storybooks from other cultures
* Storybooks on Pinterest
* Here also is a list of books (with links to purchasing details) suggested for the primary years of the Australian Curriculum: Geography (compiled by Sue Mann from the DECD Torrens Partnership)
Stella's star liner
Clementine's walk
Henry's map
Looking down
My place in space
Year 1
The great expedition
ABC book of seasons
Ernie dances to the Dideridoo
Year 2
Lately Lily- Adventures of a traveling girl
Ruffy and me
Remembering Lionsville
Year 3
Memorial Gary crew
Year 4
Here is the African Savannah
Up and down the Andes
We're roaming in the rainforest
Where the forest meets the sea
Year 5
Fire - Jackie French
Year 6
If the world were a village
Where children sleep
Year 7
Window on a changing World
One well (Citizen Kid Series)
A cool drink of water
My Place
Dr Seuss - where will you go?