Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great resources!

Images above: Students at Nuriootpa Primary School engaged in model making when studying the Landscapes unit of the Australian Curriculum: Geography

Related sites to the Spatialworlds project
Spatialworlds website
21st Century Geography Google Group
Australian Geography Teachers' Association website
'Towards a National Geography Curriculum' project website
Geography Teachers' Association of South Australia website
Email contact

Thanks for the great presentations on a resource of choice today. As you requested here are the resources presented in the workshop.

The focus of the resource presentation was to select a resource and do the following when showcasing to the workshop:
* connect the resource to the Australian Cuuriulum for history and geography
* describe the resource and its purpose
* justify the use of the resource
* discuss any limitations of the resource
* be creative in showcasing the resource.

Internet resources showcased

* My Place in History

* Ollie’s World

* Geography Associations ‘Planet Sport

* My place in history

* Voice thread

* YouTube clips - ‘Guess that Gadget’ series

* Rouse Hill House – Historic Houses Trust NSW

* National Museum Australia

* Google Earth

* Migration Museum of SA

* Whyalla Maritime Museum

* Scootle resource
* Geoscience Australia

* Australian folksongs

* Language map

* How well do you know your world?

Non-Internet resources

* The Aboriginal flag.

* 'Letters from Felix': Annette Langdan.

* An Inquiry suitcase of artefacts from India.

* 'The camel that crossed Australia': Alex_Anne Hemphill.

Thanks everyone for a great morning of resource showcasing.

Next week we have three groups to complete their formative presentation. The topics will be:

* Multiple intelligence and Blooms based on the Week 5 reading: Pohl, M. Gardners Multiple Intelligences File

* Negotiated curriculum based on the Week 5 reading: Hunter. Negotiating Curriculum File

* Assessement based on the Week 6 readings.

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